March 2024
Congratulations Arushi Dugar for presenting her poster on "Spike Sorting in the Primary Somatosensory Cortex" at Hathaway Brown HS - she competed in Advanced Judging and has qualified to present her work at the Regeneron International Science and Engineering (ISEF) in Los Angeles later in May!
December 2023
Congratulations Jonah Mudge on a successful defense of your R21!
November 2023
The Human Fusions Institute host a retreat for their new Office of Naval Research (ONR) grant
PhD students Preethi Bhat and Bryn Spilker travel with Dr. Emily Graczyk and PhD student Bri Hutchison from the Limbs Lab to SFN. Congratulations on the poster presentations!
First stim of S113; he feels his hand again! We Look forward to continuing work with you
October 2023
S113 is implanted and joins our upper extremity amputee studies! Special thanks to S113, his support system and the surgical team for making this a possibility! We look forward to working with you.
August 2023
Melissa Schmitt and Chris Cowen travel to the Amputee Coalition to help spread the word about the incredible research happening here in Cleveland, OH!
July 2023
Roberto Peralta and Hannah Morgan (from the ReLLiNC Lab) travel to Portland, Oregon for the National Veterans Wheelchair Games. They helped spread the word about all the incredible research happening here in Cleveland, OH!
March 2023
We welcome Jessica Jarvela to the Team as our new Study Coordinator
We thank Alesia Lambert, our former study coordinator for all her time and care over the past year and wish her luck in her next position
February 2023
The Graczyk Lab welcomed many new students during the open house this year!
January 2023
Congratulations to John and Melissa on publishing on their work on "The Experience of Sensorimotor Integration of a Lower Limb Sensory Neuroprosthesis: A Qualitative Case Study" in Frontiers of Neuroscience. Read their paper here
August 2022
Welcome to Roberto Peralta and Bryn Spilker who join the lab as PhD students
August 2021
Welcome to Jonah Mudge, who joins the lab as a PhD student
The Reconnecting the Hand and Arm to the Brain (ReHAB) Clinical Trial is featured in PBS NewsHour
February 2021
Human Fusions Institute (HFI) participates in the ThinkBig Campaign